Thursday, July 3, 2014

Positive Attitude

"What you think about, you bring about," is my new favorite saying. When I started my Arbonne business I watched many amazing women share their stories. My favorite was Valerie Guenter and she helped inspire me to begin my very own business. Every day it is so easy to get caught up in the "oh woe is me, poor me, my life is so hard". Being a positive, optimistic person takes time, work and determination.

Now that I have specific goals in mind (that Caribbean Cruise on the Royal Caribbean line, Tiffany jewelry, paying off school loans, getting a white Mercedes at no cost to me, completing my next novel, and finishing college) it is easy to be positive. What I think about I will bring about. So I know that I will win those incentives, I will earn enough money to stay home and write, yet still pay off my loans quickly. I am determined to climb to the top of the Arbonne ladder, and with optimism in my mind, I know it is within my reach.

I recently wrote a story about "My Bully", that evil bitch inside my head telling me these things are not possible. But with a firm determination I push her away and tell her "No". I won't listen to her anymore, I won't deny myself all that this world has to offer because of self-doubt. There is too much I want and I have waited too long already. That obsession with past mistakes, hang-ups, and fears no longer rule me.

I think I can be an author, I think I can earn that million dollar paycheck, and I think I can help others do the same. I'm thinking it, so I will bring it. A positive attitude changes everything.

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